The Gospel of John "The Movie"

Monday, October 26, 2009

John Discussion Questions

John Discussion Questions for Class #17

Text: John 12:1-50

1. What verse tells us of the character of Judas at this time?

2. In verse 8 Jesus says "For you have the poor with you always". Is this true today?

3. What were the jews doing in verse 9?

4. Why did the chief priests want to kill Lazarus?

5. His disciples did not understand the events of verses 12-15. When did they understand?

6. Looking at verses 17-19, what other time do we see the importance of witnesses to the raising of one from the dead?

7. What does Jesus speak about after Philip and Andrew tell Him about the Greeks (or gentiles) wanting to see Him?

8. Make a list of prophecies that Jesus refers to in this chapter.

9.What was the ruler's priority in verse 43? Can our priorities be goofed up the same way today? If so, please give some examples.

10. What does Jesus say will judge in the last day?

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